Compliance Coordinator

Company: Texas Board of Professional Compliance Managers
Location: Austin, TX

Selected by the Executive Director, the Compliance Coordinator performs complex (journey-level) investigative compliance and review work to ensure those practicing in Texas follow the rules and statutes governing the regulation of professional geoscience. The Coordinator will also focus on educational, outreach and partnership activities to promote P.G. licensure, compliance, and to enhance our overall licensing program.  The position requires strong presentation, planning, analytical, decision-making, and customer service skills. The ideal candidate must be detail oriented in reviewing, analyzing and interpreting policies, procedures and rules related to licensure, examination, renewal, and professional work that fall under the scope of Texas P.G. licensure. The position will be responsible for working closely with agency leadership to establish compliance goals and objectives; enhancing compliance/enforcement guidelines, procedures, policies, rules and regulations; and, developing schedules, priorities and standards. Works under the supervision of the Executive Director but may be given assignments and receive verbal and written performance feedback from other designated staff. The Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating with the agency’s oversight board and presenting technical and administrative information related to agency recommendations, actions and activities during public board meetings. Read more…